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One Dictionary


One Dictionary is offline dictionary. One Dictionary provides abbreviations dictionary for internet and messaging by default. And you can build your own .dictionary file and import to One Dictionary.

Screen Shot


The latest version of One Dictionary is available in AppStore:

Privacy Policy

One Dictionary does NOT collect any of your data. The only data One Dictionary stores are your settings. These are only saved locally. No one, other than you, has access to this data.

Creating new Dictionary

You can create your own dictionary from CSV file and import it to One Dictionary. Dictionary data file (.dictionary) is a simple SQLite database file.

Template Downloads

Please download the following files for Dictionary data.


Put 3 files in same directory and run ruby script file

ruby dict_gen.rb

It will generate new dictionary file in the same directory (./my_dic.dictionary).

Dictionary Generation Script

require 'CSV'
require 'sqlite3'
require 'fileutils'

# Copy file
FileUtils.cp("template.dictionary", "my_dic.dictionary")

# Open a database
db = SQLite3::Database.new "my_dic.dictionary"

firstRow = true

CSV.foreach("input.csv") do |row|
    if (firstRow == true)
        firstRow = false

    entry = row[0]
    keyword = row[1]
    definition = row[2]
    example = row[3]

    puts "entry: " + entry.to_s
    db.execute("INSERT INTO word (entry, name, definition, example) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", entry, keyword, definition, example)

db.execute("UPDATE metadata SET value=(?) where name='name'", "My Dictionary")
db.execute("UPDATE metadata SET value=(?) where name='content_type'", "plain_text")
db.execute("UPDATE metadata SET value=(?) where name='entry_type'", "default")